
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bleaching with Pride

I grew up as a tomboy participating in tennis, swimming, and occasionally American football. My mother use to chase me around the house trying to tame my unkempt appearance and personality. As I get older, I start to gravitate more towards my feminine hygiene instincts, (they come naturally when you exit high school .) From the bikini waxes to the threaded eyebrows, there is no stopping the beauty rituals women have to endure.

There will always be an imperfection no matter how many people tell you that it should not matter. Even though it does not matter,it is still going to be there and if you have self-diagnose OCD, then that slight imperfection becomes a beauty ritual for life. Some women are prone to plucking the hairs on their chin, while others feel the need to bleach their lady staches. I just started bleaching mine recently and then I thought to myself, when did this become necessary? My mother use to always say I had a cute lady stache and my father was too busy on his blackberry to notice. I have never had any guys approach me about the subject, either out of politeness or lack of caring. So if the people that should care about my appearance do not notice, where do these ideas come from. The only answer I can come up with is your sisters. Your sister could either be blood related or soul related, but she is the one that is going to convince you to get that wax or bleach that stache or even try lazer.

 Women are the harshest critics and I found my ideas of feminine hygiene started to change as I was interacting with more women. I have spoken with other girls who have experienced this strange phenomenon of what appears to be sisterly bonding, but what is really a judging panel of America's Next Top Model. Most of them (including me) have a majority of male friends, because men's (with the exception of overly foppish gay men) knowledge of beauty products is more limited. The worst part is is that we do not do it for the boys or even the instagram pictures, we do it for ourselves, because it convinces us that we fixed a problem that was minimal to begin with. I am not asking women to start abandoning their daily rituals, because I am certainly not going to do it, but it is good to question why we do it, so that we do not seem so distracted from our true nature. Some girls pride themselves so much in these rituals that they forget how beautiful they are and that no one cares what they do to better themselves. Our only choice is to accept that these rituals are a way of life and that us women do it to make ourselves presentable. The more perfect we look, the more happy we feel,  but if happiness were that easy, why do we continue the ritual? I guess all I can leave you with is a pic of my own stache.

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